In case of emergency
In a truly life-threatening situation, it is best to call 112 immediately. The people behind the national emergency number can call on all necessary emergency services, such as the police, fire brigade and ambulance. It is not without reason that the following applies: 911 - it saves lives! In less acute situations, call your GP or the central doctor's service outside office hours. The emergency telephone number can be found below. In all other cases, look under the heading 'contact' for telephone numbers and calling times. In case of emergency: -During the day on working days Call the practice (070-3836744) -Evening/night (5:00 PM - 8:00 AM) and weekend Call the GP post HADOKS (070-3469669)
Not every accident is a big accident. Most minor accidents happen at home, at work or on the sports field. A sprained ankle, a cut on a finger or someone choking, it happened in no time. Anyone can help, as long as they know what to do. More than 300,000 people in the Netherlands already have a first aid diploma. They took a course and took an exam. They now know how to prevent a situation from getting worse while the doctor is on the way. Such a first aid diploma can also be very useful for you, visit